Monday, July 12, 2010

Andres Iniesta..... Estas una fiesta!

We at VuvuzelasenEuropa would liek to apologize that none of our orignal pics can be uploaded due to mike being a dumbass and forgeting the cord.. thankyou for understanding
This pic however is of the fan park where we were...

So we just got into Granada in the south of spain after another day in Madrid. For those of you not living under a bridge in some far off world we would hope that you knew that spain played in the worldcup yesterday..

That being said it was absolute insanity...the "Fan Park" was a closed of street that stretched for god knows how long, crammed with people everywhere.. there had to be tens of thousands...

Everyone was really stoked on spain, especially once Iniesta put it in to seal the deal

Some stories that can help to explain la locura

Firefighters lending a hand: THe madrid fire department opted to cool down the fans in many of the sections of the fan park... This was done with portable water canons and off of truckes on side streets. They shot water into the crowd for a long ass time making for literal rivers flowing down the sides of the street. One dude we saw ran about 20 yards in front of a truck, and taunted them, they obliged him and almost took him off his feat with a burst of water.. he was rapped in a spanish flag and I dont think anyone has ever been so happy t be beaten by a water cannon

Ultimate Fandom: Its hot in madrid, like 100 on the reg.. errday... Put thousands of people togeather and you get a very hot sweaty atmosphere...even after being doused by the firefighters.... One fan right after the second half got under way, literally passed out standing up... He had been cheering before and then just passed out, his buddys got him water, made fun of him, and then helped him up... we didn't see him after that though

Random scooter ass: Our persoanl favorite fan story.. After the game and celebrating we go to the park to eat our standard sandwhich and meat from a market and celebrate some more... A dude in a this point well outside the fanpark area but the street is packed with peopel and cars with people out of them waving flags... anyhow this fan saw a hot scooter chick.. At one stop light he gets out of his car and hops on her scooter... before the next light he gets off his scooter, makes out with her (all while holding the spanish flag of course), and then returns to the car his buddies are in.. pure awesome

Awesome chants:


HIJO DE PUTA HIJO DE PUTA (most common and versatile chant by far)

DONDE ESTA MARADONA...DONDE ESTA? (we didn't get this one)


We are in granada now and will be home in 4 or 5 days or something... hope all is well

1 comment:

  1. dude me encanta leer tu blog...

    it's nuts that you were there during the Final. Of course you were there during the Final, Don Miguel knows what he's doing.

    hope all is well, buen viaje...
